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Proposed changes to the Thursday night world championships

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Some possible changes to the World Champs this year. What are your thoughts?

First. Would anyone prefer it to change to a couple of 10 week leagues? A spring - summer one and a summer - autumn one. The reason for this is if someone is injured or misses the first few weeks then it's not going to set them miles back for the rest of the year playing catch up. In between each 10 week block then there will be a couple of weeks where something different can be tried - perhaps an APR or two if there is enough interest.


Alternatively just stick to the one competition same as last year (which was over 23 weeks i think)

Second. Changing the course from time to time to keep things fresh. it will mostly be the usual chaingang route but as the nights get lighter then every so often this will change to the extended loop (route as normal, then back through Bishopton past the Monkey House and finish at the Houston 30) and also the Sewing Bee route to give a different sort of challenge and mix things up a bit.


I had thought about altering the scoring so there were more placings available (eg for the first 5 up the Clune and first 5 at the finish) but i think this might make things a bit difficult to remember so instead of this how about a weekly strava segment challenge?


This will run alongside the Thursday nights, and is for a virtual points jersey and will give those who cant make a Thursday a chance to take part.

Every week i'll pick a strava segment and the fastest riders on that segment over the course of that week can get points - 6 points for 1st, 5 for 2nd, 4 for 3rd and 3 for 4th, 2 for 5th. 1 Point for everyone else that completes the segment. This will run Monday to Sunday and you can have as many attempts at setting a time as you like. The scores will get added to the following weeks chaingang score. The points jersey will also be a seperate competition that runs all through the summer so you dont need to take part in the chain gang to take part in this.

Some of these segments will be climbs, some will be flat, some will be sprints and some longer efforts. I'll try to choose a stretch of road that doesnt feature on regular club runs and also try and spread it out around the area so everyone has a local one to attempt a few times when the wind conditions are just right.



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  • 2023 Subscriptions

Jan, if we are talking strava segments, I think I just broke a Strava record, 1.8 miles in 33 mins at 4.4mph but I stayed upright !

That came immediately after a 1000m climb. Never known anything like it, did not know road or when it would end. Average gradient 13% but there were sections I was honking out the saddle and weaving in a 34-28.

Jani Brakovicz holds the segment at over 9mph which is mind blowing, Ivan Basso is 4th.


Teide assault tomorrow :)

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