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Darryl Gunson

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    Darryl Gunson got a reaction from Ramsay in Bradley Wiggins, Take a Bow...   
    including Chinese carbon frames
  2. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted in Bradley Wiggins, Take a Bow...   
    Ban anything non Italian
  3. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted in Saturday 8th June   
    Im defo in!
    Darryl can take you down if you dont mind bike in boot (no bike rack)
    7:30 in Beith??????? I will have to be up at half 4, to do my yoga have a balanced breakfast and do a couple of hours on the turbo first! Plus the hour it takes to drive from Howwood to Beith! (all in jest )
  4. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to Phil Malcolm in Whitehaven Cross 01/06   
    Heartily enjoyed this yesterday, a decent quality field and awesome weather for my first Cross race in 10 years! Got a 7th place and managed to keep it on the same lap as the winners

  5. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to iain couttie in Main bunch June 2   
    had a good run today, two highlights,1 paul asking an old dear if she still did a bit of cycling, only to be told yes i have just cycled across america,pefect put down, second was at the end of the gergetown,my legs were dead and spotted a horse stuck in the bushes, it had bolted with the girl and slipped on the road and shot into the bushes side on.i was there for about half an hour, just time to get my legs going again.
  6. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to innocent lance in Main bunch June 2   
    fantastic day today three factors company,weather, and cafe a totally stuffed
    ma face lol! glad al and campbell joined us at cafe after our slight hiccup at bridge! nice climbs respect to the tak u wouldnt think u could get such a persistant hill,no major mech issues except greg,get the wheels frm billy there a must,billy a cheque in post will b fine cheers :-) ended the day with 115mls most av ever recorded since a started cyclin so chuffed way that,o and nice bit o banter frm al and billy at cafe today it added to the atmophere amongst the troops and keeps things not to serious
    cheers john
  7. Like
    Darryl Gunson got a reaction from Jannza in "Al limite dell'equilibrio"   
    You need to be on the ride to be dropped George...not seen you for a while...
  8. Like
    Darryl Gunson got a reaction from Gummers in Main bunch June 2   
    Hi Paul
    I agree. I wasn't saying that anyone has to do anything, I was merely asking if it was something that the bunch could accommodate. It seems that quite a few people would actually prefer the earlier start, but as I explained in my previous email, I do not want to rock the boat. If anyone objects then I will make my own arrangements. As Billy says, 8.30 would be a compromise. Could you manage that? If so, then perhaps we can all ride out together.
  9. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted in Main bunch June 2   
    There is no normal time we should try and accommodate all its a one off and to be fair an earlier start on a longish run is ok
    So what time ? why don't we go with 0830 as a compromise
    Daryl I will miss the cafe stop and ride back with you if it helps
  10. Like
    Darryl Gunson got a reaction from al yuille in Main bunch June 2   
    Hi Paul
    I agree. I wasn't saying that anyone has to do anything, I was merely asking if it was something that the bunch could accommodate. It seems that quite a few people would actually prefer the earlier start, but as I explained in my previous email, I do not want to rock the boat. If anyone objects then I will make my own arrangements. As Billy says, 8.30 would be a compromise. Could you manage that? If so, then perhaps we can all ride out together.
  11. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to thejanullrichdietplan in Chaingang 30th May   
    Good night for it
    Got dropped coming out of Bishopton, got back on again on the sliproad and then got dropped again at Finlaystone. Took the shortcut then wheelsucked most of the way back with the elastic almost snapping a couple of times but made it along to see the sprint happening which is an improvement at least. Long, long way away from being able to make it up the Clune with the bunch though!
  12. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to Mark O in Main bunch June 2   
    Guys go with your 08.00 depart. I was a maybes aye, maybes no in any case. Chung appears not to be unduly concerned and I'm in that boat too. Darryl don't think your forcing anyone to anything, your request was reasonable in the circumstances and most of those intending to ride were happy with it - no problem there as far as I'm concerned. I'll probably ride out to meet you guys at Clachan of Campsie and ride back in with the bunch to Miller Street just for the hell of it.
    Executive decision for the avoidance of doubt - Miller St depart 08.00.
  13. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to al yuille in Campbeltown   
    I see there is a new ferry service from Campbeltown to Ardrossan. It leaves Campbeltown at 1655 on a Sunday and gets into Ardrossan at 2030 (£9.50). Enough light to get home or get the train if too much rehydration required on board.
    Must be worth an all day trip at some point. About 100 from Johnstone - Campbeltown.
  14. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted in New Soap Opera from Major Media Group under development   
    The woes of an elite athlete. I feel your pain, Brad.
    I hurt my knee picking up a bottle of magners from the back of the fridge last night.
    Hope to be back for the Rothesay APR...
  15. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to Campbell Hutcheson in "Al limite dell'equilibrio"   
    nice bike skills...!
    Campbell H
  16. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to al yuille in Road Race May 26   
    Alas no Charlie. Was a super fast start but great fun along the 77. Felt pretty hairy when we got onto the minor roads - people all over the road and several near misses with oncoming traffic. as a result I was hanging near the back of the bunch and just going round as riders went off. As Paul has pointed out this is not a good strategy. Saw Colin going backwards and not too long after was heading that way myself . Saw Andy come off just after me and was a good target for lap two. Up the 77 again I was gaining ground slowly but saw James with a puncture and stopped to offer assistance - race well over for me by then.
    Slogged round lap 2 gradually catching the guy in front but when we came together we both agreed another lap was not worth it, so back up to the windmills. Never really got going and a real disappointment / wake up. Should be going well after a good winter ( summer! ) but just not been out enough recently. Hopefully temps will get into double figures in the build up to Millport.
    Thanks to Ian and Darryl for the encouragement - un jour sans.
  17. Like
    Darryl Gunson got a reaction from Colin McPhee in Road Race May 26   
    Chapeau Andy. You were looking strong when we saw you, but once you lose the bunch it's awfully difficult to get back. But you weren't far off.
  18. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to Mark O in Main Bunch 26 May   
    A different route recce'd yesterday and one that we should consider doing again.
    A party of 6 Darryl, Ginty, Chung, Campbell John and myself set out from Miller Street, up the Bowfield and followed the usual route to Fenwick and ove to the start of the Moscow circuit. Darryl and Ginty baled here due to time constraints, leaving 4 to continue down into Galston. Took the A71 up through Darvel and on to Strathhaven for a cafe stop. Good shout Chung - one to add to the list. We then headed out of Strathaven towards East Kilbride through Chapleton before making a left hander to take a series of country lanes back towards Eaglesham, the A77 and back to Johnstone.
    I baled en route to Eaglesham and headed for Jackton and home. A pretty good morning in the saddle on some good rolling roads, the pick of which has got to be the 2 miles (approx) of pothole free, smooth, poker straight section of tarmac which we turned onto off the East Kilbride road. Has to be ridden to be believed. I forgot to reset my computer before setting out yesterday but I'm guessing 60-65 miles.
  19. Like
    Darryl Gunson got a reaction from Richard in Main Bunch 26 May   
    Hopefully see you midweek at some point Richard.
  20. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to P McDonald in Road Race May 26   
    Good reports guys. Some other thoughts come to mind which might seem obvious but worth mentioning,
    - never race with something new on your bike that you have not ridden on before for at least a couple of hours to make sure it works ok. Including such simple things as tyres which might not be seated, bottle cages which might rattle loose, bar tape that might unravel etc
    - most races start at a frantic pace, be prepared, be very prepared, with a thorough warm up which includes some full on sprints, it might seem like a waste of energy but its worth it,
    - it is worth burning up some energy to be in first 15 before the key points - usually climbs or crosswind sections, but obviously use as little as possible !
    - it is worth ending yourself to hold the wheel, the notion that 'I'll drift off the back then catch up over the top' is simply a myth for all but the very strongest. When you lose the wheel you don't get back on to a bunch moving at that speed.
    - if there is a gap in the bunch, claim it. Take every possible chance to move forward when little effort required.
    And you've all heard me preach it before, do short sharp intervals or something like track which gives the same effect. The ability to have short frequent spurts is invaluable in a road race.
    Hope that helps
    : banana
  21. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to Colin McPhee in Road Race May 26   
    Further frustration for me to add to last weeks crash as a jammed front mech left me in a massive gear at the bottom of the clunch road. All had being going well up to this point and was feeling good going over the first climb in a good position at the top and positioning myself well although a bit too far back at the bottom of the clunch.Then (and I must apologise to Al and anyone else behind me) I could only emit an expletive as front mech jammed and left me with a massive gear to grind and the entire race went past me in a flash. Worked my a**e of to try to get back on and was within touching distance of the back markers but couldn't hook back on. Solo'd on manfully until Billy caught up and we worked for a bit although the big man was clearly suffering with his pre race nutritional stratedgy so eventually went ahead and finished out the race. Great day - thanks for the lift Andy. Still learning from every race and hoping to do well next time out.
  22. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to Gummers in Road Race May 26   
    Crackingly good race today. My first road race so it needs a decent report to lay down the memories.
    First, not quite sure why the neutralised zone is called the neuralised zone. It's anything but with the jockeying for position and speed.
    Second, start of the race could never have been prepared for the burst of speed. I'd got myself up to the front and within a minute despite my hardest peddling was almost out the back. Billy's motivational statement "welcome to road racing" spurred me on. Stayed with the bunch and finally worked my way back up before the Dams climb. Colin and I found each other and with great encouragement from Colin we worked together. I was surprised to find myself at top of the Dams and not being dropped. Then it was fast and furious down to the Clunch turn. Pretty pleased with my pace going up the Clunch until....
    Third, final climb on the Clunch was in the big ring. Big mistake, slipped down a to the wee ring but by that stage my legs were burned. Motivational cheers from Darryl and Ian gave me a huge boost but by then lost the main bunch.
    Picked up James for a two up then a guy from Dumfries CC joined us. He kept hammering it off the front so it was a job holding his wheel. James disappeared (later discovered he punctured) and 2 upped with chap from Dumfries once we'd discussed terms!
    Hit the Dams again and feeling good and bunch has been stopped for a good talking to. Before we could reach them they were off. Picked up another couple of riders on the descent, female rider and a number 3 for Thompsons. He disappeared on the Clunch and then it was a three-up.
    We worked well with Dumfries guy still hammering off the front down A77 but held on. Knew I was stronger on the climbs so was starting to prepare for the finish. Crikey, then hit Dams for the third time and I thought my legs were going to blow up. Stayed together covering any attacks.
    Back on A77 eased up to let others cover the work then onto final climb held onto front wheel. Gabby did a very fine job of positioning throughout and when Dumfries chap lost her wheel I saw the gap late and came in an exhausted second in the wee group.
    Loved it! Learned for myself Paul, Darryl and Mark's excellent advise yesterday to climb to the front before the hills. There is a difference between knowing this with your head versus knowing this with your legs!
  23. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to P McDonald in Road Race May 26   
    Good race today which eventually ended in sunshine For the JWCC guys who are relative newcomers, do not be put off as that was quite a tough one. A lumpy course with a keen wind and a race average of 24.3 mph = fairly lively race. Also this particular course suits those with experience who work their way up the bunch before the climbs which is something that just has to be learnt. I finished in the lead bunch but when the sprint started up the final hill I had nought left and ended about 15th, need to wait for photo finish. Scary thought of the day, riding up to the wind farm in the last 2 miles, albeit with a tail wind, I noticed we were doing 28mph !? And wished I had not looked.

  24. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to David Thomson in Main Bunch 26 May   
    Feeling very tired so going to head out by myself
  25. Like
    Darryl Gunson reacted to P McDonald in Wanted: timetrial bars and extensions   
    I have TTT bio arms. Not really Tri bars but you could try if you want . For 26.8mm bars.

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