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Posts posted by thejanullrichdietplan

  1. Ive sent an invite - if you go into the companion app you will he able to accept it. Once you do that on wednesday go on zwift and start riding then at about 5.55 a pop up will appear on screen asking if you want to join meetup - click yes and then you will be transported to start line

  2. Short 20km meetup on Wednesday. Select TT bikes for this one so no drafting.

    Course is Tempus Fugit and we roll out easy for the first half until we go round the big roundabout - the start of Fuego Flats reverse segment is shortly after this then it is approx 7km and flat to the end of the segment. Results based on the time on the segment leaderboard. After this a couple of km still to go to cool down.

    If using a road bike to try to gain advantage by drafting then you get a 2 minute penalty!

  3. Short 20km meetup on Wednesday. Select TT bikes for this one so no drafting.

    Course is Tempus Fugit and we roll out easy for the first half until we go round the big roundabout - the start of Fuego Flats reverse segment is shortly after this then it is approx 7km and flat to the end of the segment. Results based on the time on the segment leaderboard. After this a couple of km still to go to cool down.

    If using a road bike to try to gain advantage by drafting then you get a 2 minute penalty!


  4. 4 hours ago, AlanT said:

    Could this work for virtual confined events? There’s some specific longer segments around that could lend themselves to TT ing, but could it be the basis for an event?


    Yeah it could work. With the time taken from the segment start to finish it is pretty accurate on the leaderboard whereas meetup results (when it is set to show results) tend to be wrong when it is a close finish due to everyone starting the meetup in a slightly different place.

    To get the results, it just needs the person keeping track of times to stop pedaling at the finish of the segment before the leaderboard vanishes from their screen (and to have the meetup finish at least a 1km beyond this so the leaderboard isn't populated by thousands of other rider names as will happen when the meetup finishes)

  5. A bit more notice this time to see if there is more interest.

    Short 20km meetup on Wednesday. Select TT bikes for this one so no drafting.

    Course is Tempus Fugit and we roll out easy for the first half until we go round the big roundabout - the start of Fuego Flats reverse segment is shortly after this then it is approx 7km and flat to the end of the segment. Results based on the time on the segment leaderboard. After this a couple of km still to go to cool down.

    If using a road bike to try to gain advantage by drafting then you get a 2 minute penalty :D


  6. Thanks for posting Davie, so sorry to hear.

    You were ahead of the game when it came to cx/gravel and 'adventure road' riding (or whatever the marketing term is these days)....over the last year or two i've really got into it and now see all the wee lanes covered in shite as containing most of the best of the local riding rather than to be avoided.

    When covid restrictions ease and if you are interested then im sure a few of us would be up for a mini adventure off road on some forest trails -  whether it be over in cowal, aberfoyle, ayrshire or wherever. Of course if you don't want to then thats perfectly fine too.

    Hope you enjoy the new bike and all the best for the battle ahead.


  7. Weather forecast for Saturday doesnt look good so a Zwift ride up Ventoux. It's a long climb, aiming for 3 w/kg all the way up.  If this is too hard, or too easy then you can adjust your weight :)

    Then the fun bit. After a regroup at the top (if you want to smash it up the final part of climb and then have a break feel free to do that) it then becomes a race to the bottom. Descent will take about 15 minutes.... DQd however if you start ahead of the beacon.

    Remember to follow Johnstone Wheelers on the companion app if you want an invite

    Before the event is due to start make sure you have opened up the game and can see your avatar and bike - you can ride about on any course or just sit waiting. When it is 5 minutes to the start of the meetup a dialogue box will appear on the bottom left of the screen  - select that and it will take you to the start of the group ride.

  8. Due to changes in their privacy policy strava have changed the their flyby feature, so if you like to use it you now need to authorise in the privacy settings.

    Was a useful feature for post race analysis seeing where attacks went, where riders were dropped and so on (and to sort out the KOM placings on the Clune :D )


  9. Weather forecast for Saturday doesnt look good so how about a Zwift ride up Ventoux? It's a long climb, aiming for 3 w/kg all the way up.  If this is too hard, or too easy then you can adjust your weight :)

    Then the fun bit. After a regroup at the top (if you want to smash it up the climb and then have a break feel free to do that) it then becomes a race to the bottom. Descent will take about 15 minutes.... DQd if you start ahead of the beacon.

    Remember to follow Johnstone Wheelers on the companion app if you want an invite

    Before the event is due to start make sure you have opened up the game and can see your avatar and bike - you can ride about on any course or just sit waiting. When it is 5 minutes to the start of the meetup a dialogue box will appear on the bottom left of the screen  - select that and it will take you to the start of the group ride.



  10. I don't have any advice on the E side of things, but for a gravel bike i'd look at tyre clearance. Having clearance for 40c and above makes a significant difference on rough surfaces particularly with the ebike being a bit heavier than a normal bike.

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