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Everything posted by Ramsay

  1. TT bike!???!?!?!? Really?? Errr... ah fell aff ma bike ! Has hell just frozen over?
  2. Tuesday 30th July sees the fourth of the League of 10's series at the the West Ferry. Meet at 18:45 for first rider off at 19:00. A reminder that the start is under the railway bridge on the A8 Greenock/Bishopton Road (see link - http://www.johnstone...9489e96ojjh2tu8) Can someone please be kind enough to timekeep. Hope you all enjoy.
  3. Tuesday 23rd sees the confined events move to Langbank for the Hilly 10mile TT. Meet at 18:45 on the east side of Langbank (near to the Hungry Monk) and first rider off at 19:00. Details about the start are here - http://www.johnstone-wheelers.co.uk/events/event/1/p41h7mc705iuj63tdnck73o3u4 The course runs up the B789 all the way to the roundabout at Houston, where you turn and re-trace most of the way back to Langbank. The end of the course cuts off before the last steep sections and finishes at the entrance to Gleddoch Country Club. Hope you all enjoy (this is my second favourite confined event course). R
  4. Bicycles...what are they? Might need some guidance on where to buy stabilisers, although I have heard that remembering how to do it is just like riding a bike! Anyway, sounds good Billy. Will need to check whether I can make it on the 26th. I have a few ideas for where I would like to go, but slightly nervous about divulging them incase you all go and I'm still not fit (jealously etc..)! R :banana
  5. Two club members are reviewing the kit design, and once we get that sorted it was agreed that we check out what supplier we use. In the meantime, we (the committee) chose to continue with Endura. Happy to have more people on the committee or from the club to take a lead on this.
  6. Tuesday 16th July sees the second of the 25mile TTs on the A736 near Uplawmoor. The start is shown here: - http://www.johnstone...sr04si94f7hoq0o If that is not clear, here are words from Jim and Vicky from a few years ago:- Jim - A736 Barrhead to Irvine Road. Start at the old Builders Yard/garage on the Barrhead side of Shilford Hamlet which is near Uplamoor and head towards Irvine until the first roundabout and return. Vicky - 'Shilford, Lochlibo Rd, Neilston, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G78, UK', stick this into Google maps. Get to Barrhead, probably via the Clyde Tunnel, Cardonald, Hurlet. Turn right at the roundabout in Barrhead along the Main St and head through the town - taking a mainly uphill direction. Follow signs for Irvine, stay on the main rd A736. This is the road the route follows. Travel about 5miles out this road, Shilford is missable if you blink so try not to! if you are coming onto A736 from Caldwell Golf Club, you should turn LEFT back towards Barrhead and pass below Uplawmoor. Either way SHILFORD is before Uplawmoor as you drive from Barrhead towards Irvine. Meet at 18:45 for a 7pm (latest) start. Any volunteers for timekeeping? Cheers, R
  7. Mary - No worries. Will be over next week, especially if the weather is as good.
  8. After 5 weeks on the Georgetown, the confined events head for Uplawmoor for the next two weeks. Tuesday 9th July is the first of the 25mile TTs on the A736 near Uplawmoor. The start is shown here: - http://www.johnstone-wheelers.co.uk/events/event/1/2mtfo430mlosr04si94f7hoq0o If that is not clear, here are words from Jim and Vicky from a few years ago:- Jim - A736 Barrhead to Irvine Road. Start at the old Builders Yard/garage on the Barrhead side of Shilford Hamlet which is near Uplamoor and head towards Irvine until the first roundabout and return. Vicky - 'Shilford, Lochlibo Rd, Neilston, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G78, UK', stick this into Google maps. Get to Barrhead, probably via the Clyde Tunnel, Cardonald, Hurlet. Turn right at the roundabout in Barrhead along the Main St and head through the town - taking a mainly uphill direction. Follow signs for Irvine, stay on the main rd A736. This is the road the route follows. Travel about 5miles out this road, Shilford is missable if you blink so try not to! if you are coming onto A736 from Caldwell Golf Club, you should turn LEFT back towards Barrhead and pass below Uplawmoor. Either way SHILFORD is before Uplawmoor as you drive from Barrhead towards Irvine. Meet at 18:45 for a 7pm (latest) start. Any volunteers for timekeeping? Cheers, R
  9. Yes chocolate No5 is on tonight (2nd July) on the Georgetown. Meet at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. Apologies for not posting up earlier. This is the last Chocolate event of 2013, so enjoy. (We're off to Uplawmoor next week).
  10. Thank you very much to Greig for all the organisation etc. for today. It was great fun despite the weather. Apologies for the first batch of burgers, I kind of took my eye off them.....although they still did all get eaten! R&E
  11. Plenty of shelter if the weather does get bad. See attached. It will be like our very own Glastonbury!
  12. you are not wrong about it not picking up very well. Ether that or you got very lost!
  13. Ramsay

    Spied a Wheeler

    Not quite spied a wheeler, but heard a wheeler! A certain Mr Greg Balden on Real XS at about 8am this morning, winning a competition of a meal for two in Barrhead! Nice one Greg. Can't believe you didn't give a shout out to the mighty JWCC!!
  14. Three JWCC on the start list for the Scottish 50 on Sunday. Iain Cowden, Mike Ferguson and George Donnelly. Good luck guys. Looking forward to hearing how it went. :banana :banana
  15. George, did you get a start at the national 50? Don't see you on the list, only Iain Cowden and Mike Ferguson (good luck guys). Or was your question just hypothetical?
  16. DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS! But I am pretty certain that Scottish Cycling has not fully adopted all the TT technical regulations yet. i.e. - I don't think they enforce them, although I haven't ridden at a nationals for years. I do know that Sean Childs had to borrow a bike for the British TT last week, as his is not compliant, which means that he rides all other Scottish races on his own non compliant bike. If it was me, I would ride on what I have. George, if you are worried then email Jannette Hazlett at SC (although she will probably advise to make sure you are compliant).
  17. An offshoot from the Hardridge track goes close to the railway, but not quite to it. From memory (20ish years ago) there's not much to see anyway, so I guess it is now even more difficult to fully locate.
  18. Shooting railway is right out in the middle of Duchal moor. It was a private narrow gauge railway for grouse shooting. Some of these routes have new tracks to them, for instance, Misty Law is possible from Lochwinnoch to Kilbirnie(ish) with only the top 200m on moor/bog. But good fun all the same.
  19. I have a secret triathlon spy! Well done. :banana
  20. If the rummers are correct Alan MacLean came 3rd in the Ayr triathlon today. Well done. R
  21. The Cholocate series continues on Tuesday 25th June at the Georgetown. Meet at 18:45 for first rider off at 19:00. Can we have a volunteer for timekeeping please?
  22. Had a meeting in the south side of Glasgow this afternoon, so came home via Stewarton. Could find any decent places to park up for tomorrow, but did pass three GB riders out on the circuit. One of them nearly got himself killed as he overtook a pick-up and trailer who was only going slowly because of the other two in front. He pulled out at a narrowing of the road, right as a van came the opposite direction. Both van and pick-up drivers were bloody furious, and rightly so. Eventually passed the team car, where the pick-up driver got out and gave the coach an earful. With one unnecessary move (just before a hill where he was re-passed anyway!) that is almost certainly two more drivers on the "cyclist haters" list. What is worse is that whether they like it or not, team GB riders are suppose to set some sort of example. Didn't mean to turn this into a rant, but as cyclist we often get treated like crap on the roads, so seeing people give "us" a bad name really pisses me off! Looking forward to tomorrow night though! Cheers, Mr Angry From Ayrshire!
  23. I usually go round the circuit early with a brush, so will do so on Saturday.
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