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John C

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Everything posted by John C

  1. Can't make it this week but hopefully over the coming weeks.
  2. My daughter has a race tomorrow which I'd like to go and watch, starts at about 10:30 at On-X so probably not going to be able to make an AM cycle.
  3. For what should have been a miserable day, ended up being a day full of laughs.
  4. Memories or nightmares? Spied a couple of the Wheelers at the very end (13:47) hanging around waiting for us mere mortals to finish.
  5. Anthony, PM me your mobile no. via the forum and I’ll add you to a text group we have going for sorting out accommodation, bikes, transport to and from airport etc. AndrewD could you do the same.
  6. Charlie,, I’m ready so may as well try it for an hour or so if you are happy staying local so we can bail if too bad?
  7. Glad I checked the forum before I left. A Sunday morning with the family it is then.
  8. We’ve now booked the accommodation; close to the centre with plenty of room to relax after a hard days cylcing. There is still room at the inn for anyone interested in the trip.
  9. Aim to see you at club house at 8:15. Bringing a friend so if running a few minutes late will get you at Morrison’s or on the track at some point.
  10. Wasn’t feeling great but so glad I came out. So impressed with the Jets; their fitness, road craft, discipline and kindness waiting at the top of Sinclair St. for us oldies.
  11. Got family visiting next weekend so will be a no show unfortunately.
  12. Tough windy day but got a little glow of satisfaction now that I’m sitting in front of the fire with a beer. Thanks to Charlie, with his vast experinace in mechanicals (and impatience) took over to change my tube tout suite. Only to nip the new tube so end up with 2 punctures but the bunch had already disappeared up the road before I’d set off. Cut to me with a 2nd puncture doing a Fromey’ running up Fairly Moor as they disappeared over the hill. I was actually running and pushing the bike faster than we had been cycling it! And then you couldn’t make it up as one of Charlie’s ‘customers’ drove by and said “do you know Charlie McCusker he’s a Johnstone Wheeler?” and then kindly sped off to flag him down. McC turned back and gave me a 2nd tube, which again he speedly swapped, to perfection, saved the day and all was ok with the World. The thing I took from this is what I love about the bunch. When things aren’t going well and you are in the proverbial it’s good to know that there are people there that you can fall back on to dig you out of it when needed. Cheers lads.
  13. Aim to be there. Disappointed to have had to miss today as sounded like a good size squad out.
  14. What time are you heading out George as I may stay out if it's later and join you as I could do with getting some extra miles and climbing?
  15. Iain, see you at the Bishy co-op at 09:30.
  16. I hadn’t joined the league until I saw on this post I rode one of the segments by pure chance. Joined now so better go and do an effort.
  17. Can’t make this Sunday either. Iain, up for a Saturday cycle.
  18. TBH haven’t got a route in mind. Could meet you at the Monkey Hiuse at 09:20 at then pop to Bishy and take it from there. Ginty may join us.
  19. Hi Robbie, slight change of plan. Meeting Scott at 09:30 at Bishopton Co-op to do some locals hills (Langbank, Gledoch, Clube etc.) for 2 - 3 hours or so but open to suggestions as long as back for 12:30
  20. Was aiming to go out at about 9am for 60 miles or so. Company would be welcome.
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