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Posts posted by thejanullrichdietplan

  1. Yeah it was hard to keep together. My idea for the sprints was so everyone was getting something out of the ride but that probably just exacerbated the problem as it was creating a gap each lap.

    The good news is there is a message on the support forum saying the bug has been found and the update will come in the next few days.

  2. Still not working properly so sticky draft is off

    Aim is to keep the group together. It's about 8 minutes a lap so will have time for 5 or 6 sprints.  There will be a 'winner' of the sprint each lap (first over the line regardless of time) and then an overall winner at the end of the ride and this will be whoever holds the fastest time on the leaderboard.

    If you are finding the ride too easy then you can lead out the sprint for everyone the next time round!

  3. Since the last update there has been an issue with the sticky draft. It's working for some in the group but not working for everyone, and for those that it isn't working for they are not getting the draft from the group no matter what watts they are doing.  If this is fixed before Wednesday then sticky draft is on, if not i'll turn it off and the ride will be ridden at a 'steady' pace with a sprint every lap followed by a regroup.  Course is Richmond fan flats


  4. 50 minute group ride starting at 6pm sticky draft on so no-one will be dropped for this.

    Remember to follow Johnstone Wheelers on the companion app if you want an invite

    Before the event is due to start make sure you have opened up the game and can see your avatar and bike - you can ride about on any course or just sit waiting. When it is 5 minutes to the start of the meetup a dialogue box will appear on the bottom left of the screen  - select that and it will take you to the start of the group ride.


  5. 50 minute group ride starting at 6pm sticky draft on so no-one will be dropped for this.

    Remember to follow Johnstone Wheelers on the companion app if you want an invite

    Before the event is due to start make sure you have opened up the game and can see your avatar and bike - you can ride about on any course or just sit waiting. When it is 5 minutes to the start of the meetup a dialogue box will appear on the bottom left of the screen  - select that and it will take you to the start of the group ride.


  6. 33 minutes ago, GrahamF said:

    Sorry John, no it's not on the Bridge of Weir side of Johnstone, but it is on the route of the Moscow reliability but within 10km of the club rooms. For reference here's a link to the Moscow route: http://www.mapmyride.com/gb/elderslie-sct/reliability-no-2-moscow-route-1787383

    I'll post another clue in 24Hrs if no one has got it.


    I think i know where it is...however may not get out tomorrow to get a photo! The race is on :D

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