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John C

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Everything posted by John C

  1. Iain - yes pleanty of room for Michael. Have 2 rooms available each with 2 single beds.
  2. Charlie / Ian - can you me know how much I owe each of you. Thanks
  3. Ginty - have you booked the ‘bus’ yet as after having a quick look at the Europecar site it’s almost half the price to hire two basic 5 seater cars as it is a 9 seater. (9 seater was approx 790e unless you’ve got a better deal). Two basic cars and and a transit will take all 12 of us.
  4. Let me know what I owe to whom and I’ll square them up via BACS, cash etc.
  5. Is the ‘van’ a Trasit? From the last few days with McGinty if he booked a ‘Tranny’ to pick him up at the airport we could have problems. If it is a big white van then that should take all the bike boxes etc. + 3 people People Carrier: 7people Car: 4 people, 5 at a squeeze. So all depends on what the ‘van’ is. The question is will there be 3 sober, competent drivers who can read a map?
  6. Must have brought me good Karma as I needed Alan and Chung to come back and get me over the top of The Crow Road. Now sitting having that well deserved beer with McGinty wondering how I managed to make it home. Great day everyone.
  7. When I mentioned Loch Katerine and Tak me doon, I’m sure the word ‘OR’ was also used. I’ll be there (at the Bridge) with overnight panniers packed.
  8. When I mentioned Loch Katerine and Tak me doon, I’m sure the word ‘OR’ was also used. I’ll be there (at the Bridge) with overnight panniers packed.
  9. Darryl, can you confirm the time you are meeting at the clubhouse.
  10. Aiming to be out; forecast looks good
  11. Aiming to be there; forecast looks good.
  12. Tied up today Couttie but will probably be out early tomorrow ((7am) for upto 100miles (easy pace) if you fancy it
  13. Great ride with everyone today; thank-you. Even the punctures came at just the right time for recovery - lol Home, beer, shower, few more beers, dinner, beer and an early night. If Carlsberg did Fathers Days......
  14. Billy, whats the name/address of the digs that you booked, I was going to check to see how close they are to the one I managed to get.
  15. Should be ok for this. What is the Big Coast; is that via Gourock as I may just jump on the back at Bishopton if it is?
  16. Can’t make it this weekend. Could do next weekend and happy to drive and can take another 2 bikes.
  17. Just been told it’s sports day on Wednesday. Another day of all inclusive, non-competitive ‘sport’. Other family commitments mean I can’t get out until w/e 17th. May need to hand back the JWCC jersey at this rate.
  18. Hope to make it, will probably jump on the train to Gourock.
  19. Not sure if you’ve raced Allerthorpe before but it’s a flat, super fast bike course so ideal for another pb. (assuming it uses the same roads as the 2 lap half distance)
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