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Ian Porteous

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Everything posted by Ian Porteous

  1. Need to get some cycling in now... RSN (Real Soon Now). mind you I'll only be out for four hours nine minutes so fitness not the problem
  2. I'm going to have to pass guys sorry. I'm struggling to find motivation for 9hrs driving and a lot of cycling, plus I've only done a 50 min turbo session since liege!
  3. Sorry I haven't kept track of this at all. Are we booking Paul's hostel?
  4. Ideas for accom... http://www.trivago.co.uk/?iPathId=38715&bDispMoreFilter=false&aDateRange%5Barr%5D=2015-07-31&aDateRange%5Bdep%5D=2015-08-01&aCategoryRange=0%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5&iRoomType=7&sOrderBy=price%20asc&aPartner=&aOverallLiking=2%2C3%2C4%2C5&iGeoDistanceLimit=16093&iOffset=0&iLimit=25&iIncludeAll=0&bTopDealsOnly=false&iViewType=0&aPriceRange%5Bfrom%5D=0&aPriceRange%5Bto%5D=0&iGeoDistanceItem=1990533&aGeoCode%5Blng%5D=-0.012436&aGeoCode%5Blat%5D=51.549038&bIsSeoPage=false&mgo=false&bHotelTestContext=false&th=false&aHotelTestClassifier=&bSharedRooms=false&bIsTotalPrice=false&bIsSitemap=false&rp=&sSemKeywordInfo=&tgs=3871503%2C199053302%2C133000%2C132800%2C132600%2C132400& That's a big link, I hope it works...
  5. I will probs be living further away from Cumbria than I am now, but would be up for a trip northwards! What is the Fred whitton?
  6. Next hour record attempt by Alex Dowsett Sat 02 May, 12:45 - 14:00 Eurosport 2 Followed by Tour de Yorkshire Stage 2 (Stage 1 today 14:30 Eurosport 2)
  7. Great to hear Alex, wishing you a speedy recovery.
  8. If anyone is free tomorrow (22nd apr) I'm heading out for some miles, no route planned and not time constrained. Company welcome.
  9. If Alan brings the sun lotion, I'll bring the ice cream!
  10. Well done guys, although, after Sunday's pitch perfect performance I'm surprised Charlie let you reduce the mileage. Curse of the bad knees strikes another Iain! Hope you recover soon.
  11. Any news Iain? Looks like there are enough for two teams, Charlie Paul L Alan Tom Alex Iain Billy Me Unless anyone else wants a shot?
  12. Was there not an Ayrshire alps visit planned for this weekend at some point?
  13. Happy birthday! Hope you're ready for some punishment tomorrow!
  14. Excellent run. Blew at Gryffe but pleased with that given recent form, although, losing to Charlie is becoming all too regular an occurrence! Great pace except when Alan decided to drop a bomb every time he "rolled through". Felt reasonable enough at the end to even get an extra hill in with my liège hat on. PBs all round tonight!
  15. Sewing bee turned into a killer hornet tonight with everyone dying off at one point or another except the ironman who demonstrated his class over the distance. Charlie blew quite spectacularly on the neilston leg breaker - quite aptly named - which raised my spirits no end after having an earlier catastrophe myself! Same again next week for some more pain!
  16. Planning on being there, unless I need lights? Which I don't have.
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