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Alan Michael

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Everything posted by Alan Michael

  1. Just post a pb and everything will be fine 😉 seriously though put in an effort and enjoy it, that's all. I have a skinsuit you could borrow.
  2. Cheers chung. 70-80 is ample 😉 have you entered the GT cup yet? 😉
  3. Nice one, think that's us nearly got 8, but ideally we are looking for as many as possible so if you are free sat the 3rd get an entry in and come support your club. All abilities even if you've not TT'd before. It's a great day 😆
  4. Yip. Any idea on miles clubrooms to clubrooms (roughly 😉)
  5. Everyone should enter this as it's a great day, but special call out to Alex, jan, Robbie, Charlie, Andy, Paul and James. its all well and good sitting in a fast bunch but let's try the race of truth 😉 with Richard, Paul L, Gerrard and of course the guys with all the gear Billy and the Bison we could post a really good team time, not forgetting Ian A and Colin. If I've missed anyone get an entry in and post a time for the jwcc 😆, Fullerton wheelers have cleared up for the past couple of years but if we all turn up we'll take some beating 😆 the more the merrier 😆 NO EXCUSES PLEASE
  6. Great day, absolutely brilliant. Thanks to all. 6th of August will forever be known as DA DAY 😆
  7. Outstanding. I'm not sure how double that is possible. 😨
  8. If buts and maybes 😕... two laps will be achieved and if we get held up on the 2nd lap and don't make it, well that's just the way the cookie crumbles.. I'm sure paul already has another date pencilled in incase the unthinkable happens. If you believe it it will happen lol the only option is two completed laps. We can think about the excuses after we fail...not before 😉
  9. Pma jan I like it. 😉
  10. I'm in.... oh jan.. Jan... Come on, you know you want to. What about ross (if his wife allows it) 😉
  11. Forgot to mention this but as me, paul and David cycled through a particularly wet section of our route I became aware of a car tailing us and someone hanging out the window, I was waiting on some abuse or worse only to turn and discover our very own Porto saying hello, very Surreal but great to see him, hopefully next time he can join us on the bike 😉
  12. We still all on for this? 😃
  13. Great trip again, even in the rain. Hardest bit of any cycle with the jwcc is the hangover 😉
  14. Yeah, was just thinking what a crock of sh#$. I Was looking for some company for the long route 😉. Enjoy the plate smashing (if she let's you join in that is)
  15. You can use my winter bike if need be
  16. Right guy's I have two bottles of skin so soft, so hopefully that's us sorted for the inevitable midge attacks..
  17. Lol negative rucksack for me also. Though for me only 5 kilo negative ross 😉
  18. 8.00 at club rooms robbie for 9.30 ferry I think. I'll head through bishopton and get ginty and Iain. What time at your house ginty?
  19. I'm going to come along after all, if I can hitch a ride up...
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