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  1. Great turnout today from the senior club and the Jets. Mud, gravel, punctures, coffee and cake, and a nice social pace was the order of the day. Just as Davie would have liked it
    3 points
  2. Enjoyable ride today good to see such a big turnout!
    2 points
  3. Gerard Deeley

    Confined Events 2022

    I have submitted what is the first edition of our confined events calendar for 2022. As a club we are currently looking into ways to increase participation and there is still much work to be done taking on board what has already been said. Therefor this is only the start! The calendar is, at the moment, presented with no changes. This is to show what would normally be done and allow everyone to see how things will evolve. New events need to be chosen and old ones will need to be discarded along the way as we look to adapt. For the first few events, the reliability runs, they are quite established and have been reasonably well attended during my time at the club. They will stay in place this year, but I propose a simple change. We discard the middle group leaving and only have two groups. The first group will depart at the allotted time and do the route as they have always done, which is a social pace that suits everyone in the group. The second and faster group shall then decide how much of a delay they should have before setting off. Let us all see if you have the skills to wait longer than usual and still catch the earlier group to finish as a whole club in Miller Street? A long lie in and bragging rights await. Please let me know how you all feel about this before it is confirmed. An open meeting for all club members will also happen soon to discuss the rest of the calendar. 2022 Confined Events #1 15 January.pdf
    1 point
  4. XXX

    Confined Events 2022

    Hi Not so sure you won’t end up with three groups with the fast group splitting, bu proof is in the pudding
    1 point
  5. I was saddened to read Darryl’s post, above, and learn of Davie B’s passing. Davie was a wheeler at heart. The man who went to Italy with blue tinged legs and came home with blue tinged legs. Many a time he would appear out of the murk on a Sunday morning, to meet me on the track at Kilbirnie, with his grimace on and greet me with a ‘Morning - shite weather’ and barely miss a pedal stroke. We also limped home down the track to the Garnock Valley numerous times, sucking each others wheels to save what little was left in the tank after a long day in the saddle. The best of times. Davie was the most modest down to earth bloke, who loved to get off the main drag and head for the rural lanes and tracks. The more rutted and mankier the better. He had a pragmatic almost bleak outlook on life but was a dependable, generous individual with a wry sense of humour. Never particularly vociferous, yet spoke his mind when the occasion arose. I don’t know if Davie’s passing, and indeed his life, has been marked on the Club’s Facebook page (I don’t do Facebook), but it seems remiss that there is nothing on the the Bunch to pay tribute to the man. If this thread is it then this is my contribution. Davie B your were and always will be a Joansin Wheeler. You sadly ran out of farm tracks way too soon. You’ll be missed. Mark O
    1 point
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