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James Esus

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Everything posted by James Esus

  1. That area of Scotland should be banned!! It's like the Bermuda Triangle!! Weird things go wrong, no phone signal and no shops!!! #karmakolin
  2. Sorry guys just in from a day out with my mate Gummers!!
  3. So as me and Andy don't actually work, we decided to go a wee adventure. We planned to do the route we had done 3 years ago, Dunoon and cycle back via C11, hells glen, Erskine bridge total 130 mile, that changed as the day went on! Andy met at mine and we set off to get 50m up the road and noticed I hadn't put the tyre on correctly from last nights puncture, so back to mine for a quick fix! Down to the ferry where the guy letting us on had a great laugh saying I moved the boat when I stepped on! (He used this joke 4 times!!! On off then back on and off on the return!) Got off at Dunoon to find I had a puncture from the ferry journey!! Andy went to get a cup of tea while I fixed it, when two workies decided to watch and give a running commentary to my tyre changing abilities! In haste/rage I nicked the tube! So another change we were down 2 tubes with one left and 2 gas cylinders left! Off we set and climbed over the C11 slowly but we got there! Into otter ferry pub for lunch and a seat next to the fire!! Lovely lunch and we set off only to find 4 mile up the road I had another puncture!! So last tube down we set off nervously! Got to Strachur post office and I went on the hunt for a puncture repair kit, they sold multi tools but no kits so bought some super glue!! At this point we heard a strange whoosing noise and Andy's back tyre was slowly deflating! So glued inner tube hanging off my bars we changed plans and tried to get back to Dunoon at least to get ferry home!! 2 miles up the road we went into a petrol station which sold puncture repairs kits so spare inner tube fixed, we headed to ferry! Got on the ferry (where the guy cracked a belter of joke!) got into gourock bike shop where guy fixed slow puncture and we bought a couple of tubes! Got into Port Glasgow and heavens opened! Frozen we made it on the cycle track and home!! 93 miles on clock, happy!! https://www.strava.com/activities/546206686
  4. I was waiting for someone to question it!!! I was going to take a picture for proof!!
  5. Good night, got over the col!! Alan's attack must of caused some sort of atmospheric pressure cause it burst my back tyre!! Managed to get down into Houston but had to walk the last bit!!
  6. I retract my statement!!!!! Gummers your late for everything!!!!
  7. Chapeau to Gummers, only man at bogs tonight and battered it around himself!
  8. Won't make tonight, got a sneaky secret (not so secret now) ride in today!
  9. Touché!!! But did you fill with nitrogen??? It all counts!!
  10. I would of went for the latex inner tubes saves a bit of weight!
  11. I thought black was sliming! Cracking day out on the fair isle! Straight off the ferry, turn left and start climbing! After the shock to the system start, we got onto the coast road and boarded the Mcbride express. Alan had huge spells on the front which Alex decided to sprint away from when it was his turn! About half way round a Joansin Jet was standing roadside cheering us on! 6 miles from the end Paul enjoyed a birthday blow....... out! Alan waited and Alex, Colin and Jan cracked on! I popped after another 2 mile, I looked up and couldn't catch up a family of four up the road on mountain bikes, I was sitting at 21mph!! later found out why! Alan pulled Paul back very quickly and then started shouting at the Ferry steward "can we get on the ferry!!!!" The guy said "yes" which Alan replied "its ok we don't want to just now" A quick café stop that didn't serve hot food apart from all the hot food that was passing our table! All Alex wanted was toast! We then headed up the Ross climb , for fun After that Colin and I stopped again for "hot" food and the rest put some training in for Spain and headed up the String. Back on the Ferry, nearly without Paul and Charlie, who lost their tickets! We enjoyed some grub and a birthday cake for Paul!
  12. That's just age Charles all you had to do was type A or B!
  13. I think the general census is A) one lap getting 11ish ferry back B ) one lap then extra 30 miles and getting 1:55 ferry back. Who is in for a) who is in for b )???? I'm going try go for b )
  14. All these BC points you have become mr big time!!
  15. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Col_de_Braus-small.jpg The history of JWCC info was a really good insight into the beginnings of the club, however they missed out the mystical climb in the small commuting village of Bishopton! Back in the good old days, the Scottish road race used to go over and back over this mighty climb with the race often being decided over this monster of a climb! Some parts are so vertical that cyclists front wheels often lifted off the ground and the pros used to add weights to the front of their bikes! I'm sure some of the older club members can share fond memories of this climb as unfortunately due to new roads, motorways, housing estates and land movements over the years it has sadly now become a small rise heading into Bishopton, the souls of cyclists past are often heard grunting and breathing heavily on foggy winter nights!
  16. Wee mans 2nd birthday, I will be eating pizza, jelly and ice cream and cake!
  17. That's the point some may call it a hillock, mound, molehill, pimple, bump! I'm sure it had alp in front of the name!!
  18. After tonight, I'm driving doon!!! See you at ferry!
  19. Got pumped out the back on bishy hill, the list of excuses coming up is going be longer than some of the Flanders write ups!!! 1. Big run last night in legs! 2. Some boys turned up that had done a thing called training?!? 3. Was last man going into climb so just popped! Defiantly nothing to do with my lack of fitness and weight!!!!! Sleeping in altitude tent till Saturday so should be ok!
  20. Paul, pull some order to this!!! All these vigilantes driving and riding and doing figure of 8's!!
  21. If Capt. mc Driving so am I!! See you at ferry!!!
  22. You cycling down Paul what time at lochwinnoch? Alan last time I skipped breakfast and got a fry on the boat over!!! Saves time!!!
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