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James Esus

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Everything posted by James Esus

  1. Hope Jan you are up to some serious pumping action up the wee back roads of Ayrshire? Will burn off the calories of this infamous chicken burger!
  2. It's a go go go green light!! Early start?? Anyone else so there isn't someone sitting at the back themselves???
  3. Since my lift and night time entertainment has deserted me anyone got space? Or I'll drive if anyone wants my chat!
  4. Paul there's no way you would ever be dropped!!! But when you do I will remind you every time I see you!!!
  5. Robster Make sure you clean your bike, give it a wee kiss wrap it up carefully and say goodbye!! You won't be seeing it for a while!!! All the best for the wadding!!
  6. Houston pick up??? We can share your car and we can share my sleeping bag? Sound fair?
  7. Rosneath peninsula is destination!
  8. L'alp de Bisoptoun strikes again!!!!!!
  9. Leaving 6:30am Ton Company welcome!
  10. It falls one DA attempt and gets binned?!?!? What you getting???
  11. The Arranman triathlon is on that weekend! I'm doing half iron man on Sunday! Full ironman and marathon is on Saturday so might struggle for space on ferry?
  12. Second attempt is now officially renamed the DArryl Challenge!
  13. Really bad news!!!! Get well soon!! Here's hoping it isn't broke!!!
  14. I take a stopwatch out with me and count my cadence every minute! I also have an OS map and stick pins in it every 100m to track my progress! I have an old altimeter that measures elevation and have a qualified DR riding with me to take HR evey 3 minutes! Works well for me!
  15. Has Gummers popped yet????
  16. http://www.lochranzahotel.co.uk They do lovely bar meals and can put them in a doggy mussette aswell!
  17. Points have to be shared equally eg if it was worth 3 then 1 each!!!! That's why Alex and I, pipped each other at each points section!!! Don't want you lot getting extra free points!!!
  18. What is this ball of foot you talk about????
  19. Sorry guys, I out!!! Family duties on Saturday!
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