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James Esus

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Everything posted by James Esus

  1. That's the only reason I'm going!
  2. I coming out....... Then I will be out on my bike!
  3. So up for it, will check with time management hr department!
  4. Operation failed!!! Wee man has chickenpox so on nursing rotations!!!
  5. P.s I told him my name was George Donnelly! He said he would add me on Facebook!!!
  6. Not as bad as I expected!! Hope to be up the front a wee bit more over the coming weeks!! Alan had great delight watching me chat with the Renfrew Jackie and not offering any sort of help!!!
  7. Going try and get out so I can get Pumped on the Bishy drag Pumped on the Westferry Pumped up the Clune Pumped down into Kilmalcolm Then drag myself along Georgetown! Alan, If I decide to go up the Clune and I am longer than a minute behind don't let the bunch wait! Cheers
  8. Darryl, Going try and get out with the Renfra bunch tonight, Sorry I know you were really looking forward to meeting me tonight!
  9. Day one of operation get me to Dunnon! Seed has been planted, small passing remark of the group is going to Dunnon at the weekend sounds like it is going to be good!! Will give further updates as the week goes on!! #prayforjesus
  10. Lots of uppy bits today!!! The only thing worse than the hills was the company!!! We overthrew dictator Macdonald and went back up the Brisbane glen!! Some parts were faster going up than down due to massive head wind!! Had a very artistic off, coming back down to loch Thom with billy and m'lurd having a right good laugh when they cycled by and didn't stop!!!
  11. The hills maybe slow but the banter doubles!!
  12. If I'm not there don't wait unless I'm late then wait for me! Will do an hour/hour and half then cycling up to friends house in Glasgow! Yes i have friends!
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