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Mark O

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Everything posted by Mark O

  1. Nae luck on the puncture M'Lud. Nonetheless chapeau for getting in there and doing it. Well done the Junior Joansins on their successes 1st and 3rd in their respective outings - not too shoddy at all! M
  2. Having been talked by Heather into giving this triathlon gubbins a bash, I had my first outing yesterday. Sprint distance of 750m swim, 20 something Km bike ride (the actual distance seemed to vary, 24km was the last number I heard) and a 5K run. I don't think I disgraced myself with an overall position of 82/244; 70/162 males and 23/64 male vets category. 1:27:19 was my overall time. A real toe dipping exercise for me, with little or no prep or specific training. Only my 3rd open water swim (4th swim of any sort this year). 19 mins dead. Seems ok, I think, but no where near the tri club people who clearly put in a shed load of pool time and can swim in a straight line!!!! The bike ride was strange to say the least. Legs like lead after the swim (did not expect that) and I rode my winter bike, as my summer bike still has the hill climbing set up from Spain and the TT bike looked very dusty after 3 years of inactivity. Took about 10 minutes to settle in and start feeling normal. Only one bloke on a full on TT get up passed me on the ride, which was undulating with the odd ramp or two. 41 mins for this leg. Not my best ride but I was definitely keeping something in reserve for the run. The least said about running the better. I hate running. 23.45 clocked for the 5K distance. No idea if this is good, bad or indifferent. Again only passed by one person on the run, which I'm pleased about as I expected to get doing on this segment. My transistions were pants as expected given my general lack (none at all) of practice. Top third of the field overall, for gender and for category and top 30 in the bike ride. Room for improvement no doubt but kind of happy with the results of this toe dipping exercise. Next outing planned for 6 weeks time at Allerthorpe in Yorkshire. Olympic distance this time. Will actualy need to be able run 10K before then. And hopefully will have dusted down the TT bike and learned how to swim in a straight line!! I might even do some proper training....... Any tips or advice from any of our tri'ers would be welcome. M
  3. Agree with Billy. While any feature should cover the whole club, it is perhaps an opportunity for the focus to be on the Wheeler not just the Jets. A chance to shout about what we do / have been doing. Regardless of the shape or content of the final article, FABulous idea and execution.
  4. Darryl, If Alison Montgomery is still practicing then I'd highly recommend her. Wife of former Kilmarnock FC Captain Ray Montgomery and top girl herself on the sporting front. She put me back together after a serious martial arts injury and understands athelete in all their guises. Knows her stuff. Funnily enough Alison and Ray took up cycling when Ray hung up his boots. Alison is based in Ardrossan - might be a trek for you, but very good at what she does. Takes no nonsense. M
  5. Should be out for this. Dissappointed you chose a flat route MacB, gutted there are no climbs.
  6. I note from the easy jet website that it is only the flights OUT of Malaga that are affected. Where and when are we meeting today? I aim to get the bike checked in pretty much as soon as the bag drop opens.
  7. Billy 'little ray' (of sunshine) Mac, I hereby declare you as driver from airport to Ronda. The rest of us can kick back with a GnT or 6. Fair shout you auld goat. I'll bring a thick book. And thanks for all the good wishes from the rest of the Joansin bunch.
  8. Good shout Alex. Forgot all about this nonsense. That said I don't think I was asked to produce it when I hired in Italy last year. M
  9. Working!! I'd go for Muirkirk. Anywhere scenic will be crawling with cars if the weather is good.
  10. Paul, have sent you a text. I'll be heading for Paisley via Eaglesham Moor then picking up track to kilmacolm for West Glen Road and then the lumpy Largs route. Hope to be on the road for 07.45 Paisley area circa 09.15. It's all about climbing tomorrow. Company would be good. No probs regards pace - not too bothered and feel free to bale when it suits. Any changes to this, I have your number and will text. M
  11. Slight tongue in cheek melodrama from me......I hope. I have an email from the organisers saying they have reserved me a starting place. I'm sure it'll be fine on the day. On that note if Ian A is looking to head over to Spain with us it migth be worth contacting the organisers and use either DArryl's or Ginty's spots. I'm pretty sure they would be accommodating given the circumstances.
  12. No number for me either. I see Paul McM is on the start sheet. One hopes my lack of spanish holds out at registration.
  13. Well it's a nice evening for the wanna bees to get a pasting.
  14. Now now gents, we'll have none of that nonsense. We have always welcomed new faces to the SB / AW. If the Archibald fella is any good and gives us a doing then, and only then, will we send him back to the bogs bunch. I'm sure he'll just sit in and watch to see what goes on. M
  15. Thread Bump - apologies tendered. Can't make Sunday!!!! Lumpy Largs route (with additions) on Saturday now planned. Company welcome. Enjoy the alps guys. M
  16. Nice one Andy. Chapeau. I spoke with Darryl earlier today. He's in good spirits and chatting away about his plans for recovery and getting back on the bike, despite the seriousness of the fracture - I gather from Darryl's comments it wasn't a straightforward break. However, surgery went well and the prognosis appears positive. Added to which I think the drugs are agreeing with him!!!!! All good signs. Darryl passes on his regards and great appreciation to all, especially to the guys in the DA bunch on Saturday for looking after him immediately after his spill. He say he will post updates on his progress on the forum and some other medium called facebook. M
  17. 6.30pm depart from Morrisons. Probably the last before La Sufrida. Who is riding? M
  18. Not much to add other than to second all of the above sentiment, good wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery Darryl. You'll be pleased to know the bike got home in one piece. Hopefully we'll have you gracing the bunch with your presence before long. In the meantime put your feet up for a bit. M
  19. Cometh DA hour, cometh DA men!
  20. James, I'm planning on leg warmers, overshoes and rain cape. Probably go for s/s base with arm warmers under club l/s jersey and gilet - rain cape as required. Towel and dry clothes in car for drive up the road (that includes you Mr Gunson!!). May avail myself of the cal mac facilities at Ardrossan for a quick change. Soggy bum on the ferry trip very likely, I fear I shall not be caring at that point. I'm working on the basis the pace will afford me a cooling breeze and accept it might get a little warm on the Lochranza climb. So long as toes and fingers are warmish I'll be content to get wet. M
  21. Can we also stop for a wee dram at the distillery to get us up the climb. Couple of swift ones will do nicely. See what I did there.
  22. The stands for time. Think of D (A) DAy and H Hour. T can also denote terror, tension, tiredness, trepiDAtion, and triumph.
  23. Andy, For what it's worth - Big Breakfast before leaving house or en route to ferry. No rolls and sausage on the ferry. Two bottles - one on the bike, the other stashed with food at end of SA to shave some weight for climbs. Pre open wrappers on all food; saves on the faff of opening wrappers DAns la saddle or rewrap everything in tin foil the night before for ease access - wee tip from the pro teams. Little and often - along the lines of do turn at front, sit in to recovery (ha ha), take a bite and drink while in the chain. No malty loaf as it takes ages to chew thru. Apart from the obvious of ride bike for 56 miles in under 3 hours, then repeat if you can - what are the tactics/plans???? Climbers keeping it real on the inclines? do we intend to keep as many bodies in the game for as long as possible? is someone going to call the pace based on real time read outs from a smart gizmo? do tell.
  24. DArryl, I reckon I'll be at your house at approximately 5.45 on SaturDAy morning to give us sufficient time to get to the terminal, stow the bike rack and purchase tickets etc. Breakfast on the hoof I reckon. Getting all too real now. More concerned about the DA than La Sufri...DA. M
  25. Darryl, No probs. Will pick you up on way past. Exact time tbc. M
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