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Darryl Gunson

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Everything posted by Darryl Gunson

  1. Ha! Just noticed that the Strathpuffer guys have cashed my cheque after all. So I'm in You will probably be in as well then Paul cheers Darryl
  2. They reckon that if your cheque hasn't been cashed, then you're not in Not to worry though, plenty of other stuff on
  3. Hi Scott that's you, me and Marco. Entry not available until Jan, so another thing for folks to chew over during Xmas I'll certainly have a go at block booking for a JWCC raiding party I notice I haven't got into Bealach though , so I'll have to be even quicker for the Fred W. cheers Darryl
  4. check this out: http://www.cyclefilm.com/flash_fwc06.html who's up for it? DG
  5. Nice post Scott. The case for a week inFrance has been made very convincingly. I'll just copy this to the missus and that'll be me then. cheers DG
  6. What about the Marmotte? Aren't you doing that again Scott? Fancy that Stevie with the Alpe D'Huez hillclimb the next day I'd love to but can't commit to owt just yet. Let me know what you decide though. cheers Darryl
  7. Impressive stuff Stevie. I did wonder weather you and big Al would still do the ride you mentioned on Friday night. I'm sure if it wasn't for the fact that i was still half cut on Sat am, then I wouldn't have bothered. Particularly bad when I got caught in a hailstorm on the run in to Renfrew. Only thing that stopped me going back to ma bed was the sight of Paul McD up the road heading in the same direction. Good to see Mark out though, looking fit and climbing well, but unfortunately he punctured and it took us 20mins to get the thorn oot. by that time it was too cold top do owt but head for the nearest cafe top cut the ride short. Anyhow I'll be out each Saturday up to and after Xmas, so hope to see you some time soon. cheers DG
  8. Splendid night made even better by the singing of Scott and Paul Thanks for a good night guys. A few sore heids the next day though, although I did (somehow ) manage to get out on the bike the next day for a couple of hours. these days Stevie it takes me a week to recover so not sure when the next one will be. A few beers over Xmas is do-able though. DG
  9. The Bull it is then. See you at 7.15. DG
  10. only just seen this post SS. Sorry you can't make it. We'll just have to take it out on your legs the next Sunday Run I mean, wot's Edinburgh got that Paisley hasn't? Don't answer that... hago DG
  11. No. I was a bit surprised when they asked for this deposit, but today when I rang to try and pay over the phone,I got a different quote. Now the deposit is 10% of what we expect to spend. Given that there are now 9 of us (unless you are about to pull out ) and every one usually goes for the 'deal' (£21.95 this w/e - it's xmas afterall )that is approx £20, which I'll pay tomorrow (they couldn't work the Credit Card machine). Clear? nevermind. Hope to see you all on Friday at 8. Cheers DG
  12. which is here: http://bealach-na-ba.co.uk/bealach-na-ba/event_BNB.htm
  13. Likely to be oversubscribed. Entry forms available on-line this friday. Mark and myself are entering. See their website for details. DG
  14. Right, table has been booked for 12, but I'm to pay a £10 per head deposit tomorrow. So can anyone who is unable to come who is on the list please let me know by posting here. Conversely, anyone who is not on the list who would like to join us, please post here. BFN DG
  15. Hi Jim haven't booked em yet, but i thought 8 o'clock would be about right. I'll book a table for 12 tomorrow, so there will be plenty of room should you be able to make it after all. Darryl
  16. So far we have: Paul McD Darryl McG Kenny S Scott Dougie D Rosa (maybe) Marco van Whitehead Simon John A Donald S Stevie B Any more?
  17. So far we have: Paul McD Darryl McG Kenny S Scott Dougie D Rosa (maybe) Marco van Whitehead Simon John A
  18. Good to have you on board John. Won't be out this weekend though, so see you on the 1st. Darryl
  19. Just a quick reminder that a few of the club are out for a curry on Friday 1st Dec. I'll book the table some time soon. Everyone is welcome BTW - it isn't a cliquey road racer type thang; one or two testers have been known to come along as well as some hairy-legged long distance types! It'd be great to see some of the polo fraternity as well, but we know they are otherwise engaged in Birmingham that weekend - no shortage of curry there But seriously, all welcome irrespective of discipline , gender or primary club affiliation . The venue is the one up from Dooleys (I always forget the name (Shimla pinks??). Anyway they do a great value buffet with 4 drinks for about £18 which always goes down well So far we have: Paul McD Darryl McG Kenny S Scott Dougie D Rosa (maybe) Marco van Whitehead Simon please post here if you fancy it, so I can book the table Darryl
  20. Hi Ian, thanks for the insight. Clearly Big Al is motivated. I wasn't questioning that at all. If your aim is to win Team TT medals, then clearly, as you point out, this can't be done if your club doesn't enter. If, however, your aim is to ride TTs to the best of your ability, then this can be done riding in a Johnstone jersey just as well as it can be riding in Couriers colours. See you soon Ian And once again, good luck to Big Al.
  21. Well, good luck to you Alan. Hope you find what you're looking for in the Couriers. But despite your note I'm still a bit mystified (but don't bother to put me right). I could understand it if you were a road racer where the team can be all important, but you are a timetrialist, so they won't be able to help you win and may positively hinder this, by riding faster than you! What is it I wonder that lures riders? Perhaps it is the 'work ethic' that the Couriers obviously have in spades, it's just sad that you don't feel able to train hard in a Johnstone jersey. Must be a male thing anyhow: our two most talented and successful members by far are both women and they have not felt it necessary to change clubs. So, good luck Alan. Keep well to the left DMcG
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