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simon simpson

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Everything posted by simon simpson

  1. Correction the thumbnails on the home page are about 3kb, the public folder has a JWCC Arran folder which you can open and preview the photos up to 1MB I'll eMail individual ones to you if there is a problem ss
  2. Thanks to Dougie for organising the weekend and to David McGunson for visionary timetabling to see the event through..... hope you all enjoyed it today.. by the way there was salt on the road up the String so beware all you 'dirty carbon forkers'!!! photos should be on my homepage @ http://homepage.mac.com/simonsimpson1/PhotoAlbum5.html you SHOULD be able to pull individual ones from there.... It also operates a slide show.... They are also in my Public folder (about 1 M B each) http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/File ... US&lang=en Hope this helps SS ps On principle I don't individually photograph anyone who beats me up a hill....
  3. I'm going out tonight so if I don't make the clubroom meet at 7.45 don't hang around... I should make the ferry by 9.45.... If it's a 15 plus unit-er I'll make the 2nd ferry Confirm clubroom 7.45 still the plan? ss
  4. Actually I do get the comic..................... it's just Thursday is a guilt free wine night on account of being 80% through the week and so I never remember a damn thing I've read! Anyway on holiday in Braemar October ss
  5. Kenny, I've been riding a mudguarded bike/ real bike for a month......... The 28's are fitted...... the 32's await ......the 37mm are on order......and the (new ) dynohub has been built into a wheel.......... The light bikes are chained up in the garage with bits missing..... Yours, in opposition to amnesties. Deputy Dawg
  6. I thought last year was just grand... cheap filling food......cheerful... local...no problems parking your bike.. suited me How about similar or same as the cost doesn't exclude any of us and the organisation is familiar? the only faults with last year were drinking Martin's cheap whisky and not bringing enough wine. I'm a bit tied up this week with family bits and bobs this weekend so how about discussing a weekend stayover ride scenario when we are in Arran. The Gantock is just too much Sunday lunch with Mum and Dad / family weddings to me..... See you all in Arran
  7. Kenny in terms of next years ride programme Campbell, Dave and I will be promoting the JWCC 200km Audax and post ride pasta party. Dave was looking at the last weekend in June: Sunday 26th June 2005 tho' he may have changed this. I've eMailed him about confirming with yopu as it would be good to have it added to the programme of events. Thanks SS
  9. Clarification: I'm double booked so I've got to go to a PTA BBQ/Ceilidh first can't see I'll be there before 8.30 at the earliest ss
  10. I'll be trying to come along tho' I'll have the car and won't be drinking (so can't take advantage of those 5 drinks).. Will it be necessary tobook a place? ss
  11. when is millport team time trial/is it not that weekend? ss
  12. Campbell e-nailed / e-mailed me this this pm The depute head in my old school showed a version of it to me about 4 months ago and said that when she read it she thought of me straight away.... as a Learning Support Teacher I've never been convinced of the usual remedies for bad spelling / poor reading......... I think this illustrates that there's something else going on when we read and write.......shows what a load of bollocks we teachers talk...oh primary only of course...... ss I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
  13. I can't usually do Tues / Wed as Jane goes out but either I could come after she's back in or something.......September is also a favourite Parents' night zone so set a def date and I'll see... be good to do something other than ride a bike for 100 miles........and I need to lay down a layer of winter fat...... ss
  14. I've got a crap small radius Makro £7 one with one spare disc if you are totally stuck........ ss
  15. simon simpson

    Le Tour

    Alan .. the Jwcc audax trial has approx 6000ft of climbing....that's good preparation....it's on Sunday 27 th June at clubruns 15-16 mph approx Also it's the four passes audax from Larkhall next weekend 200km @ 15-17 mph approx Hope to see you all on the first if not the second of these SS
  16. I joined because the reliabilities were advertised in Cycling Weekly a few years ago......... There seemed to be some organisation and cycling at 15 or 16 mph didn't seem unacceptable... ss
  17. long distance forum ideal...... audax needs to be ok'd year before I think and avoid certain roads if dark...do it as a trial this year and official it next year Simon Simpson
  18. long distance forum ideal...... audax needs to be ok'd year before I think and avoid certain roads if dark...do it as a trial this year and official it next year Simon Simpson
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