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Everything posted by a.yeoman

  1. Shazz I'm an intrepid Alpe D'Huezer and a bit of a video buff: D But I am not prepared to miss East Enders, Have I got News for You or Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. How dare you slag off Friday night telly, it is what makes getting through the week bearable. Can I give you the money this weekend instead? ps does the chalet have a telly with satellite so that I can keep up with the soaps?
  2. Too stupid to count the number going Put me down for one of the last remaining places (if there are any left) If non left please give me a list of names so that I can bump them off one by one till there is a space for me Can't wait
  3. sadly can't make this Friday. Like Dougie Friday isn't really the best night, I would prefer a Thursday but thats just me, what do other think?
  4. Kenny Not sure if its meant to be a secret polll but I went for the 24th. It doesn't really matter though the 17th is just as good / bad.
  5. Just a thought following on from last Friday night with Brian We spent last Friday looking at sizing issues, riding position on a bike and how to properly adjust the saddle peddles handlebars etc. There was also some talk about peddling style and getting the max power output by pushing the ankle down at the bottom of the stroke. Dougie said he had been working on this on his ride into work and felt his average speed had increased as a result. I have to say I am a bit sceptical. Not that the change in riding style has resulted in an improvement but I think that just by thinking about what you are doing and concentrating on you riding rather than watching buzzards / singing to yourself / thinking about work / trying not to throw up etc will bring about an improvement. Once this “new†style is adopted as a matter of course without thinking about it can it be credited for improving speed times and then its time to start thinking about another aspect. I was trying this when I was out on Sunday but found it difficult to visualise what I was doing and couldn’t be sure if I was in the right position or if I was in fact pushing down too much or not enough. Then I had a brainwave (doesn’t happen too often but it can be worth the wait). What about video. We could either do this on the road and review it later or set it up on a turbo and watch ourselves “live†on a big screen. I am happy to bring along a camera and a digital projector and my own directors chair if there is a demand for this. Any thoughts?
  6. do you think I need to change my diet and my frame. thing just go from bad to worse
  7. Like the others I would say that this was a very informative night and shouldn't be missed. Not sure that Ian's was the worst set up, I think I can challenge him. Anyone want to buy a Bianchi frame - idealy you will be a few inches shorter than me, I'll even throw in a Bianchi top 2002 colours that I only wore once (on Harry's Hundred) See you all there next time.
  8. In a bit of a freak event last weekend I cleared out a cupboard in the house, among many other interesting items I found a Wheelers Cycling top which isn't mine as I was too late to put in an order last year. So if I borrowed your top at Millport this year I am really really sorry, it has been cleaned could you let me know who you are and if you have a matching pair of shorts I can borrow too. No doubt someone out there is cursing me up and down please let me know and I will get the top back to you.
  9. Got my passport looked out aleady and the training starts this weekend when I will only drink French wine. I hope to tie this in with some kind of holiday with the kids but may end up leaving them behind. Anyone else?
  10. HI Kenny Put me down for one. Cheers
  11. sorry to hear your news Darryl. I know how you are feeling after falling off a few months ago, at least my bike was mostly OK (sorry to rub it in) It may be a right off but if the handlebars are OK Martin is looking for a pair. Hope you get back on the solids soon. cheers
  12. Sounds fantastic. Can't make the 25th though, how often do they play cos I'm definately interested in trying this out.
  13. Looks like spandex to me. You don't even look tired in the pics ya big poser. Well done, should we put a team together next time?
  14. Wasn't me either. I'm thinking of taking up 3 wheeled biking to be on the safe side. Turns out the injury wasn't as bad after all, I got the stookie off yesterday and am now a bandage free person again I did ask if I would be able to play the piano and they said of course whicjh is great as I couldn't play before the crash Still a bit sore and limited use of wrist (fill in your own amusing comment ) but hope to be back on the bike net week So I'm looking for some foolish people willing to let me take their wheel and some highly skilled, swift avoiding action, fast reaction riders willing to take my wheel. Hope to see you on the road soon
  15. The road just leaped up at me, I didn't see it coming till it was too late, I was under rather then on the wheel in front, I was watching a buzzard,
  16. Hi Kenny I'll get back to you with an order for a couple of tops, shorts and tights. When is the deadline for orders?
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