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Everything posted by BoydJohnston

  1. Looks like Saturday is the day to be out this week-end. I should be there on Saturday unless there is some serious warming up to make golf feasible.
  2. I'm in sunny Liverpool this week-end. Have a good run.
  3. Thanks for organising the run Chung. I was on my last legs getting home after only 30 miles - so I was definitely not 100% today. You did well getting to 66 miles with just the 3 of you to share the work for much of the run. See you all in a couple of weeks.
  4. It was a good call to miss out this morning. I went out at 12:00. The track was really icy, so I stayed on the roads, which were fine, but did not include any back roads. Wind was picking up as I was coming home. Hopefully it will not be too cold, but expect some more wind tomorrow. I'll plan on being at Miller St for 09:30.
  5. Currently raining here in Paisley. I'll check in again in the morning. Unless anyone posts otherwise, I'll assume tomorrow's run is off and we may try for Sunday.
  6. Emma, pace last Saturday overall was just over 15mph average for me, with 75 miles on the clock. The previous week was a bit faster over a similar distance.
  7. I should be there, Chung. Weather forecast is still too cold for golf.
  8. Another good run in great company. Thanks Ian and everybody else. Just over 75 miles for me.
  9. Welcome back, Tony. Unfortunately I've got family visiting and won't be out, after getting a good run in today. Maybe next week, though.
  10. I should be there if I can get out of bed in time.
  11. I'm now planning to come out at 9:30 if the weather is ok.
  12. Change of plan after today's run. If the weather is ok, I'll be out with the 30-milers for a shorter run.
  13. Excellent run today, Iain. Thanks for organising it. I had 70 miles on the clock at 16.1 average when I arrived home - a good work-out.
  14. I'd just like to say that I agree with the points that Mark has made - though there seems to be some debate as to whether or not his points are valid. Seems to me that it needs to be decided whether the Sunday bunch run is meant to a Club Run at a strong, steady pace, or a training session with some kind of structure and purpose. Had Bill not turned up on Sunday, I would have come out with the main bunch, if only to see just where my fitness is compared to the rest of you. I would have expected a hard, but steady pace, close to my personal limit. I would have used the first 20 miles or so to gauge whether or not I was coping, and I would have dropped out if I was holding the group back. I would not have expected sustained bursts of speed with half the run still to go. I think the bunch has to have the capacity to be able to bring in new riders to the group and help them come up to the performance levels expected of the main bunch - particularly at this time of the year when it can be a struggle to get quality miles in and even regular members of the bunch can struggle a bit. While George is correct in expecting riders to bring a certain level of fitness to a bunch ride, you have to be careful not to frighten off people who could become regular members of the group with the right encouragement. At my age, I'm not likely to be one of them, but I do think this is important for the club. See you all on Sunday.
  15. Hoping to do somewhere close to 50 miles on Sunday, depending on the weather. Route to be decided on the day with whoever turns up. Club Rooms 09:00.
  16. Only Bill and myself in the 'bit further, but not too fast' group today. Good run on the back roads down to Kilwinning and back on even smaller roads to Howwood and home. We did resist the offer of a hot breakfast from the Paisley Velo recruitment team when we passed them not far from Lugton. 44 miles on the clock when I got home.
  17. I should be at Miller St for 9am if anybody fancies a run that's a bit longer than the 30-milers and a bit slower than the main bunch.
  18. Too windy for me. Sorry folks - I'll not be out.
  19. Weather's not looking too clever for tomorrow either. If it's too wet, then I'll give it a miss. If it's not too bad, then I'll give it a go, but maybe keep it relatively short. I'll try to post in the morning just after 8am once I've checked the weather.
  20. Since the weather is looking very dodgy for Sunday - strong winds - I'm going to try for a run on Monday - 9am at Miller St. Any company will be welcome. Route will depend on the weather and on who turns up.
  21. Looks like the weather is not going to be good on Sunday, so I'll probably give it a miss and try to get out during the week to burn off some of the excess calories that I'll be consuming. If I can plan a run far enough ahead, I'll post to try to drum up some company. If anybody does want to get out on Sunday, feel free to use this thread to organise a run. Have a good Christmas, everybody.
  22. Give Bill the credit for the route and most of the navigation. It was a good choice and a bit different from the usual runs.
  23. Another good run today, missing the worst of the rain - track & back roads to Dalry, Haylie Moor, down towards West Kilbride, Dalry, Gateside, Howwood and home with Mary, Bill, Andrew and Ken.
  24. Greig, did you not see the item about rickets on the box today? You need to get out in the sun more - especially on Sunday mornings
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