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Richie Cross

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Everything posted by Richie Cross

  1. Great race indeed. Even though I'll go and think about Paris Roubaix...I've a feeling the familiar faces will be getting picked!!
  2. Well, after being inspired by a great Tour of Flanders, the clippers and Veet came out Quite happy with the results [attachment=0]legs.jpg[/attachment]
  3. Noooooo!!! Spent £9 on the new blue one last week! Still to use it. This weekend maybe!
  4. Starting weekend of nights tonight Haven't been out for 3 weeks!
  5. It's a pity I'm not early shift as it's part of my divisional area. Could've 'patrolled' the course for a watch. Good luck to you and David. Give us a good write up from a first time racers point of view when you've recovered.
  6. Hi Ben, While I can't help with the jersey I'm afraid, I was just curious about the details of your race?
  7. Likewise from me. All the best and I look forward to a good write up and lots of pics. Maybe we could arrange a slide show at the club rooms!?
  8. Mmm, I think there will be a few similar choices here! 1) Cancellara 2) Gilbert 3) Boonen
  9. So, before I get my clippers and Veet out.... Is Wed on? Is Christiana just an alter ego of one of our fine members? (no disrespect to the real Christiana if I'm wrong....we have some jokers in the pack ) Need to make plans etc if it's on. I thank you
  10. I'd be up for Wed and £20 towards the Jets/charity etc although would Wed not be a clash for those doing/helping at the TT? Will other dates be made available? Welcome to the club Christiana. I'll admit I was initially sceptical....I wondered what the chances were of you appearing just as we talk about shaving/waxing etc. Er, a Brazilian from a Brazilian etc
  11. Confused! According to the start list on Cyclingnews, Hushovd is riding?? Shows Cancellara isn't.
  12. Gent for me 1) Boonen 2) Hushovd 3) Gilbert Here's hoping for a small, strong man group!!
  13. Brian....I'd like to think I've merely opened up a frank and honest discussion between men (ladies excused as you do it anyway)....you heard me, MEN!! Now I'm off to watch some UFC.... .........while this Veet starts working!
  14. WTF!!! £9 for the new Veet hydra restorer stuff!! er, apparently!! Kay....hope you're ok? I've been waiting for a female contribution to this thread, although hoping it would be constructive!! After reading this....no internal e-mails please
  15. I was thinking the same Brian I was also wondering where our lady members are to offer their advice and expertise! Are they just reading our posts for amusement! I like Mark's idea about doing a possible fundraising thing. Would this have to be done sooner rather than later before legs are prepped for shorts?! I have endured hours of tattooing on me....but I'm scared at the thought of waxing!! Oh......Argos own brand value clippers for £6.99
  16. If you do it, I'll do it!
  17. Brian...when I've done it I've gone 'all the way'! A mate used to go just to short line. Not a good look I think!
  18. Hi folks, As the weather is improving and following from a chat I had with Mark O on the last ride, what's the club ratio for non shavers to shavers? I have in the past, when I was younger, as I felt 'more like a cyclist' but realised that some don't bother. I personally don't like the look of my own hairy legs in cycling shorts...added with their whiteness! and in planning for my Pyrenees trip in June, my mate said he'll be shaving. Do we have a mix in the club or is it a must? While I don't have great legs (looks or power) will I be gently mocked for doing it! and for all the baldies....what top tips do you have?
  19. With the clocks changing this weekend (an hour less in bed before getting up at 5am for early shift ) and it meaning the end of the turbo sessions, is there a structure to the midweek training or is it just a case of getting out while the daylight allows from 6/6.30/7 etc? Still have different groups? Thanks
  20. Hi Stu. I've joined since you've been away. Been on a few runs but haven't made it to 80 miles yet! No doubt see you on a run soon! Cheers
  21. Oh well, I had the right team anyway! Colin...you need to make your team first and then you can find the mini league after that.
  22. I'm going to go with my heart and say an overly optimistic... 1st: Cavendish!! 2nd: Hushovd 3rd: Farrar The boy's going to surprise us!!!
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