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David J

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Everything posted by David J

  1. Six of us set-out from Johnstone at nine-thirty down the Georgtown (tailwind for a change) then onwards to Greenock . All was going well, apart from a headwind, until Mike realised that he was loosing his back wheel and we had an emergency pit-stop at the toilets (closed for refurbishment). Mike's quick release was (sort of) fixed and we set-off again and into another headwind. The pace was kept relatively high until we hit Ardrossan and a quick comfort break. A taxi pulled up outside the toilets and there were a few glances of will we wont we, however, I am glad to report the tempation was overcome and we were quickly back on the road. Due to the headwind everyone was quite tired by the time we hit West Kilbride and it was decided to continue onwards to Kilwinning instead of the published route. After Kilwinning we continued back to Johnstone via the official route. The group began to split-up on the Lugton Road as the miles began to take their toll. We tried very hard to stay together however due to family commitments I had to push on alone. I made it back to the clubhouse at 14h21 - but nae soup! The place wasn't even open. This is probably one of the hardest days I have done in the saddle for some time - however, apart from a stiff back and a very sore bum it was brilliant! Thanks for a great ride - I hope everyone got home safe.
  2. I hurt my back during the week but thanks to the miracle of drugs and wine I should be ok for tomorrow - plenty of escape options on this route anyway. Been looking forward to this all week! What has happened to the 10 o'clock bunch? Short-cuts, alternative routes with no-hills, gears, afternoon tea.....next I'll be reading that they have organised motor pacing to protect them from the Georgetown head-wind Nine-thirty for me and no short-cuts!
  3. Change of plan Craig is coming out with nine-thirty bunch
  4. My mate Craig is coming out tomorrow As it is his first time he is going to head-out with the 09h00 bunch. Be gentle with him Ian and the gang! See you all tomorrow!
  5. My wife will come down at about 12 with the soup but I do not know who has the keys for Sunday? I presume Kenny? You may need to help her lift it out the car as she can't lift anything heavy at the moment. Cheers!
  6. Excellent, I had better make extra soup for this Sunday....
  7. I have now paid via Pay Pall. Sorry!
  8. Great outing this morning! Good weather on a challenging route! Well done the soup maker and a very big well done to the person who had the forsesight to stick on the heating in the club!
  9. I'll make the soup. Any requests, if not then it's at the chefs discretion? Will need someone to help my wife get it out the car and heat it up! I'll be out with the 09h30 group.
  10. Another well done to everyone from me and my wife. It was our first presentation dance. We had to leave early with pregnancy related pakora cravings (mine)! Good band, are they professional.....
  11. With hindsight I think the 09h30 group is a better option for me tomorrow. The Daly Gruppetto will never catch us anyway.......
  12. Count me in! I only did one (I think) last year and it was great fun.
  13. David J

    JWCC Blog?

    Sorry, that didn't work http://le-grimpeur.net/blog/
  14. David J

    JWCC Blog?

    Thanks for that. It does seem a bit like re-inventing the wheel. Have you found any good cycling blogs that are worth a visit? This is a good one if you haven't already found it: http://le-grimpeur.net/blog/[/url]
  15. David J

    JWCC Blog?

    Does anyone write a blog about their cycling - or anything else for that matter? I have recently discovered blogging and I have become addicted. Some of the cycling blogs especially are quite good. Is anyone interested in starting a club blog? Basic idea could be to write about the various activities of the club and its members. We already have the forums, however, a blog would could be a more formal record. Does anyone have any thoughts?
  16. Count me in for ten o'clock! A. I am a glutten for punishment B. I'm interested in Jim's definition of "easier"
  17. I will opt for the ten o'clock groupetto. That means I will need to stick to the special perfromance enhancing Pernod & water - I am presuming Joansin Bowlin' Clubs don't do Ricard???
  18. Thanks guys - some good advice which I will definitely take on board. I am under no illusions about how difficult it will be, but past experience has taught me that you have to get "in about it" to improve! I do not think I will get signed-up for Saxo Bank, however, I plan to enjoy myself and try as many things as I can. I think my base endurance is nearly there so I can now set myself some goals and work on the rest. Bring it on! Thanks again for the advice
  19. After a bit of a wasted year due to a bad knee I am aiming to race this year. I did one of the APR's up on the Braes in early summer and loved it! However, I do not know the first thing about how to go about it. I know that we have club events and have heard people talking about TLI races. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what is the best events for a beginer? I do not want to dropped after 400m! Also do I need to get a BC licence? Any advice would be very welcome!
  20. Can I have two tickets please. Is it ok to pay on the night?
  21. Got to the Club House at half-past nine and waited for ten minutes but nobody turned up! Set-off towards Bowfield but when I got the the foot of the climb I didn't feel so good - early stages of the dreaded man flu! Turned right and joined the cycle path instead. It gave me an opportunity to practice some specific high cadence anaerobic work before heading for home. The weather turned a bit nasty with hail, sleet and some rain and I decided to head for home! Good news is my form must be improving as I managed to win all of the sprints! See you next week.........
  22. Myself, Colin, Jim, Frank, Mike and Campbell headed out on a dry but chilly morning in the direction of Ayrshire and the Moscow APR circuit. Conditions were good and the forecast rain never materilaised. We headed out of Miller Street to face the first obstacle, the glacial Bowfiled climb. Then it was onto darkest Ayrshire and the main climb out from Stewarton, a bit of a beast! this was followed by a good paced lap of Moscow and a steady ride back to Johnstone. Everyone seemed in good form following the crimbo break - obviously carbo loading!! A good ride, with good banter and the first (hopefully the last) puncture of 2009! Cheers.
  23. Is the club calendar for this year posted anywhere? I can't seem to find it!
  24. Happy New Year! Count me in - so long as it isn't another ambush...!
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