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Colin H

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Everything posted by Colin H

  1. Will happily go out with the 10am group but you guys will have to wait on the hills That is of course if you can all have a go at the missus on Saturday night to let me out on Sunday after the dance Any help wold be most welcome Colin
  2. Stevie, Mr Mac took us up that climb in Renton a couple of months ago The man himself was first to stop, pulling into a drive at the side of the road claiming his glasses were steaming up (For the rest of the ride Mulhooligan and myself debated whether we believed this ropy excuse...) Next to stop was me , however not knowing the hill I stopped on the steepest section and took about a dozen attempts to get started again Lesson learned on that ride was to keep an eye on the wily old fox as he just rolled out of the drive he was in and cruised past
  3. Colin H

    Crazy Commuter

    Passing through Inchinan towards Renfrew this morning I let a bus out of the slip road . Attached to the back along with an advert for a womans sanitary product was a dayglow green cyclist giving it laldy I have my suspicions that this was Mr McLean and if so we should all be worried 35+ mph maintained all the way to Renfrew shows that this winter commuting lark is obviously paying off and we are all due a kicking in the forthcoming reliabilities
  4. Alright Stevie, Had a good time thanks and managed to get in some miles with a warm sun on my back Cycling abroad is soooooo much better than here. Better roads, better weather and respect from car drivers Usual problems with the airline though.... no record of bike being booked on flight and a threat of a charge of £9 for every extra kilo Thankfully the kind lass at Glasgow fiddled the figures and let me off with it Hows the training going? I see you have a new steed awaiting some shiny bits. Colin
  5. Mitts, cap and size 5 skin suit for me please...... Cheers Colin
  6. Sitting here waiting for the coach to Fuertuventura airport and reading Ken Macs thread about Sundays run puts me in the mood for suffering the Scottish winter again Anybody who will still be off work/school/college fancy a run on Friday morning? Will be at the clubrooms for 0930. Post here if you fancy it Colin
  7. Colin H

    Saddle Theft

    BEWARE!!!! There are thieves in town...... A Specialized Toupe World Championship Edition saddle has been stolen from a bike in Johnstone. Police have been informed and are on the lookout for 2 criminals as described below: Criminal 1: A gentleman of mature years , and expanding waistline , last seen heading towards Johnstone High on a dodgy home made bike ; Criminal 2: This "hooligan" is thought to be from the Bridge of Weir area and was seen escaping from the scene on a bike with clunky gears from a manufacturer begining with C . Thanks to the generosity of a local shop owner this saddle has been returned and is now back in pride of place on its steed. When asked for comment the victim of this crime stated "I really can't understand why these people would want such a quality bit of kit. I suppose they would have to start somewhere. While I'am away riding on said saddle in the sun this Christmas they should take time to think about the error of their ways." A reward has been offered to anyone who can stick it to this pair over the Xmas period Sunday runs
  8. I should be there At least thats what the missus told Bill this morning when he dropped my light off so I take it I have a pass Colin
  9. Ian, Would love to hang around to the 21st however I don't think my employer would be too happy I'am currently looking for good routes around the island. Have you been before and can you recommend any? PM me if you have Cheers Colin
  10. Grand day out indeed. Pity I had to get the missus to come and get me in Gourouck thanks to broken spoke in the front wheel Hope James finger is okay. Maybe you should try some of whaterver Bill had for breakfast this morning Bill, I left my front light in your glovebox Can you PM me to arrange collection or if you could drop it into "Bikes by John" in Johnstone if you are passing and drop me a line. Cheers Colin.
  11. Did I mention that I would be in Fuertuventura on the 27th??????
  12. Spot on Kenny!!!!!!!! at least the cycling squad have actually won something this year..... Found myself shouting at jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear last week when he claimed that England had actually won the World Cup by beating Australia. Working on that logic surely the Scotland Football team are now every bit as good as Brazil
  13. With enough notice of the actual date I should be able to make a Thursday night Will just have to make sure I have a meeting in Renfrew that afternoon
  14. Many apologies to The saturday Morning Mile Munchers Had a domestic issue that had to take priority this morning Silver lining to every cloud though as I have been granted a pass for tomorrow morning as a result
  15. Sadly won't make it out this Sunday. Committed to the misery of Xmas shopping Going for a run down the track to Kilbirnie, then Largs and back the coast road on Saturday if anybody fancies it. Nice and easy. The company would be most welcome. PM me or be at the clubrooms at 9am for what will probably be a good soaking Colin.
  16. Given Kenny's point about the turn on the Westferry is it not an option to revert back to the old route that turns at the roundabout at the bottom of the Clune? At least then the worry of traffic approaching from behind at speed would be reduced as this section of road is hardly used anymore....
  17. Variety is the spice of life - or something like that..... As someone who has flitted between both groups over the course of this year I can vouch for the benefits offered by both options. Personally at this time of year the magical mystery tour element offered under the guidance of Kenny Mac and his legendary knowledge of uncharted roads helps to detract from what could be an otherwise miserable time as a result of weather or just general lack of fitness due to constraints of getting out on the bike through the week. Similar rides last year definetly helped with my enjoyment of the longer rides through the summer which would have proved quite challenging otherwise, especially with people in training for the sportive events. As with most people time constraints are a big problem for me and at this time of year with the short days and poor weather time spent with the family at the weekends is in short enough supply. Therefore the earlier start and (usually) finish times are more pratical for me. I' am surely not the only one in this position as was demonstrated recently my Martin M who, having spent a couple of weeks out with the 30milers, obviously had a longer pass and switched over to the 0930 group. Regardless of all this, is it not the case that we will all come together for the reliability runs anyway? For some, winter rides will contribute to their ability to complete these runs and for others these will signify the start of training towards the next seasons goals. We are all out there doing the same thing and with more than one group the public face of the Wheelers can be seen in more areas which hopefully will provide useful in promoting the club and attracting new members which can only be good for all.....
  18. I'm up for the magical mystery tour as long as I manage to shift this dreaded lurgy
  19. Appologies for not being at the AGM and offering opinion in retrospect...... I have full respect for the decision to not hold TT's on the Westferry on safety grounds having raced there in the past and had a couple of hairy moments. In this day and age the concept of "rush hour" does not really apply as there seems to be a constant flow of traffic no matter what time of the day (Monday to Friday) that it is. Is it a feasible option however to hold confined events on a Saturday or Sunday morning when traffic volume should be reduced? I wouldn't imagine that it would be too hard to coordinate dates with open TT's in the area to avoid clashes and given that some open TT's are a considerable distance away this could provide an alternative to those who do not wish to or are unable to travel to them. Mixed in with some hilly TT's as suggested by Stevie and Tony this could actually provide a varied element to our championships that may appeal to a wider range of riders and even out some abilities. It would also open up the oppertunity to race for those who cannot make it along midweek due to other commitments. Just a thought thrown out there to provide an option while trying not to confuse the issue
  20. No show from me as well Hopefully get out Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours though
  21. Kenny, No probs for lift. What number do you live at?
  22. Room for 2 in my motor. Do you still need a lift Kenny?
  23. Unfortunately I will have to roll out the same old excuses as to why I won't be there Will have to satisfy myself with a wee run around Penicuik instead Colin
  24. Hi Alan, I would be interested in a run to Glentress. Have only been out on the mountainbike once sofar this year so should really justify its existence and dust it off. What route would you be doing? Colin.
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