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Hertz Van Rental

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Posts posted by Hertz Van Rental

  1. I thought this would be simple however the box with the tape has some short black tape long white tape and two short bits of white tape the same as the long tape, I think the long tape is for taping the bars, is the black tape for finishing the tapes, so what is the other two bits for. Please help. :-?


    If you can make your way to Renfrew, I'll give you a poseur's bar tape masterclass and show you how to use all your bits correctly?

  2. Good news - from bbc.co.uk.........

    Man held over indecent assaults

    A 33-year-old man has been arrested in connection with four indecent assaults on young women in Renfrewshire.


    Police said two of the attacks were on 16-year-old girls. One occurred in Paisley on 3 April while the other happened in Renfrew on 27 May.


    The other two attacks happened on 16 June. One was on an 18-year-old woman in Paisley, the other on a 33-year-old woman on a cycle track near Elderslie.


    The arrested man is expected to appear at Paisley Sheriff Court on Friday.

  3. As a guide to your general wellbeing, note your pulse rate in the same condition every morning. The best way is before actually getting out of bed, to give your true resting rate.


    If you are unwell, you will have a higher resting heart rate. If you have been unwell - look for your resting heart rate to return to very nearly normal before you think about strenuous exercise again.

  4. Gordon I remember you eating 2 pie suppers one night :shock: one before roller event one after :roll:

    but in your defence they were Sandros specials Oh ya dancer !Oh ya dancer !


    Unfortunately, I am the man that I am today wholly due to those two suppers.


    ps.............they were steak pie suppers by the way. Despite being known to partake of a 1/2 pizza in my first year at JHS during the biting cold winter of 1979/80, I never stooped as low as a deep fried scotch pie. To me, that is the white lightning cider of the caledonian culinary experience.

  5. Once you think your lungs have reached their limit, it's about thinking about the minute other changes that can make you go a tad faster. eg;


    Bars / stem - have the stem and bars up as high as possible.


    Position - try riding with your head tilted slightly back. Imagine your airway being as straight as possible from the mouth to the lung entrance - look at the right angle of the back of your throat as a kink in a hose and just imagine how that would constrict the flow of oxygen?


    Saddle height - you want to pivot from the hip only with possibly a slightly lower saddle height than you would use on the road. From the hips up, nothing else should move - that's just wasted efficiency.


    Clothing - quite important. Ideally - ride completely topless! forget tight clothing on the upper half at all. Worst thing possible - bib shorts or a skinsuit. Tie the bib around your waist and wear the lightest baggy t-shirt you can find with the neck and sleeves cut away. Imagine anything with lycra as squeezing your diaphragm in when you want to expand it as much as possible. Shoes should be tight. Any loose shoe movement is a waste of energy and unneccessary body movement.


    Hydration - Do your hydrating well before the event. Don't try drinking just after a roller race. Your lungs are having enough problems just trying to return your breathing to normal. Use a bottle of water just to moisten your lips throughout the evening and prevent you from drying up.


    Hope this helps?


    GG - recovering roller racing addict!

    ps..........yes I did eat a fish supper about 15 mins before setting the JWCC junior 1km record, and yes - I did boak it up in the bin very shortly afterwards. I blame the pickled onion!

  6. Venue - the party across the road in Renfrew


    2200 we all troop across the road with the best of intentions, and a fist full of new year resolutions. Most concern giving up drinking.


    2300 - 0056 The telly is on, but the sound is turned down. Have to listen to the new neighbour lying through her teeth about how she works for HBOS and her job is safe. brought two bottles of yellow rock chardonnay (good stuff!) - but am drinking some 5hit that comes in a box


    0000 - The bells. Happy New Year my arse! Have to kiss a succcesion of ugly mingers each of whom is atime served lettuce dodger. Which one has scooped my cargo and left me with a half pint of this gutrot pi5h??????

    0001 some guy arrives in a klit and all the burds soke him up like the last johnny bag in Dublin. Am not drnuk you konw!


    0045 - the finally karaaaaooookyy gets wired up after four hours of trying. I went to friggin see U2 at Hampden and tehy were on the go in twnety minutes !!! Wnie gonig dnow niclee and I don't give a ****!


    0127 - My turn to snig. Is it my fault if the vast overwhelmnig majoeirtiy of the kumpanyee have never heard of the iNCREDIBLE string BAND ??? Their bsta4ds the lot of thum. Wheyre's ma flippin bevvy ya hooooer? Whit's that...........? Aye - and yer maw wis wan as well.






    0215 Sossage rools cum ooooooot an the furst fite breks ooooot over who gets tae soook the joose afff the tinfoil? Whilst the rammmy is goin on, Biffo the junkie hus irt awayeee wi the tinfoil an jags up in the krner behind the tellly, he later sells the taellllie for two tenner bags o skag tae sum dood called skinky winkie - or summthin.


    0302 - get cot snnogin the wee slapper afae three dowrs duin. Wif e gees me gip, and an irn buroo boptlie ower the napper. Visssiopn is a wee bit blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd


    032 - ambyilanse arrives ......................... yer ma best mate etc. wee bobo howks up on the trampoline as the fat burd is geein it laldae wi a dubble suumerston or somethin? spew everywherrrre and kuvver the fat bird's glesses. She burst the trimpowhatsit anyway. Wherr's ma drin? Are yoo starin at ma wyfe's jugs?


    0400 - riot squad arrive. This entry by PC0322 Thomson, K Division. Mr Ticketty Boo taken into protective custody for his own wellbeing. Will be bailed to appear at Paisley Sherrif Court on Mon 5th January on a charge of beng a jakie.

  7. Festive greetings one and all. Cannot get back to sleep after getting up at 3.30am to drop my tight fisted mother off at the airport for her 6am flight - and we live in bloody Renfrew!!! I did offer to check her in online last night and leave here at 5, but that was far too sensible for her!!!


    5 weeks in Benidorm and she won't fork out 78p for a taxi!


    As an ex MOD employee, I'll be very, very surprised if anything happens soon within ROF Bishopton. The place has been producing thousands of tons of munitions for squillions of years and has ground that is severely polluted beyond the wildest imagination of anyone addicted to toxicity on a grand scale. I would never buy a house anywhere near it until I had seen independant soil reports and analysis. I cannot imagine any sane other person not wanting to do the same - except maybe Dougal from Father Ted?


    On the other hand - does anyone remember the Chemical factory at the start of the Beith Rd at the Thorn? It was where those nice ......................... houses .................... are .....................................................built ................................... opposite Thorn Court!!!

  8. If anyone knows the rider completely in black with no reflectors and minimal lighting who heads eastbound along Mill St Paisley and turns right onto Glasgow Rd about 8am each morning, please ask them to brighten up a bit and become more visible?


    It's either a female, or slightly built male?

  9. I have been in contact with Braveheart Sponsors Keenan Coaches of Ayr and am willing to organise a coach from Ayr to Fort William and return on Wednesday for anyone wishing to attend Jason's funeral. Picking up in Ayr, Kilmarnock, Glasgow, Paisley, etc as required.


    Depending upon numbers, the price would work out at roughly £12 per head. Any surplus would of course go to the memorial fund.


    Obviously, numbers would determine the requirement. If you would be interested in this, please email me at; [email protected] or call / text 07919206818.


    Please state numbers and preferred pick up point?

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