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kelly van der toorn

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Everything posted by kelly van der toorn

  1. Just wanna say - although I biked fine in the afternoon after my lab test I was absolutely knackered in the evening and still a bit more tired than usual today - so I'd advise anyone who is planning to race the next day to either not expect too much from their racing or reschedule their test (sorry Dereck!!) Maybe I just tried too hard..... KvdT
  2. Sorry about the delay in replying here - I cant offer any advice about building up a bike for triathlons that any cyclist couldnt answer better - a bike is a bike is a bike and triathletes generally dont know an awful lot about bikes or riding them!! Check out the Scottish Triathlon Association website for races and links, and go shopping at Edinburgh bicycle works if you want fancy clothing. Thats my advice, for what its worth! Kelly PS it is worth joining the STA if you are likely to do 3 races or more - you get subsidised race entry fees, some insurance cover and automatic entry into the STA rankings.
  3. I'll give the testing a go - that is, if your not just looking for blokes to do it (which seems to be the usual!) Am often available on Wednesdays during the day, though would prefer to get it all over and done with early March as Im starting racing at the end of March... Cheers Kelly
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